Saturday, November 17, 2007

Like super whatever! is like 12.32 am, Sunday.

Yesterday, i took a taxi from my mom's office to the dental clinic cuz if i don't, i'd probably be late. So, when i boarded the taxi, i told him where to go in English. He understood but he replied, asking how do i want to get there in Chinese. He was almost inaudible. but, i got what he was saying so as a formality, i replied in REALLY slow chinese. I said: PIE ye ke yi. The funny thing is that he doesn't know how to get there and asked if I do. Well...I DON'T! so i told him. Then he asked if i've been there before. I said yes, once or twice and my dad usually drives me there. The place is somewhere near the automobile centre.

When we got there, he asked if i knew how to go. I said i don't know so he checked his directory. And he drove round and round and round. And man! The meter kept increasing. There was once or twice when he rose his hands pointing to the left or the right. I the hell do i know that you're asking if we should go left or right correct? Then i finally told him that it's near the HDB flats. then he like got angry and scolded me k... He was like: why didn't you tell me earlier? You know? if we have just driven straight we would have gotten there and you won't waste so much money and time. You and I both kept quiet so i also don't know whether it is the place. You said it was near your dad's car shop (as if i did say that) so i thought you knew how to go. If you had just told me that you don't know how to go then we wouldn't drive round and round. (i mean hello? didn't i tell you that i don't know how to go?). Next time you want to go for dental appointment you should get their card so you know how to go.

Oh my gosh! if i knew how to get there, i would have told you like long ago? and he still charged me the whole fare. and worst, i can't speak proper chinese and he speaks really soft that even if i leaned forward, i still can't hear him. That was the first time i took a taxi and got scolded by the driver and still, i paid him! $12!!!!! I tell you. because of this, i have to bring lunch everyday to school so i wouldn't spend so much money. Oh my gosh!!!!!!!


xiangwei (: said...

the taxi driver is stooopid. record his number and write a letter to the company! roarrrs to these lousy drivers!

rain said...


aiya. taxi driver bully you.
he see u like small girl.
very poor thing lerh.
not all taxi drivers are like this.
i wish u better luck next time. =)