Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy NEW Year=)

Todays like 01012008 Tuesday 2:18p.m.

I just flew in from hong kong last nights! I was counting down in the aeroplane( i have no idea why they are underlining the word) itself. The pilot was counting down and everyone was just....not counting down. AHAHA...what an anti-climax countdown session. I feel so embarrassed to be there at the "countdown"..Hmm...i don't know why i'm harping on this, let me move on=)

I went to hong kong with me mom. We spent all our days there shopping! Like it was mainly quite boring if you shop all day, but this time it's a bit different cu i had $ to spent..WOO HOO!! My mom said i can buy anything i wanted so i bought=) The thing is that, when i went to buy my dad a shirt, i got shouted at by this bloody hongkonger guy. I was retrieving the M size for my dad under the instructions of my mom. Then he shouted at me.
BLOODY HELL! I shall forget bout' him from immediate effect.

We went to shen zhen like on the second day. Thank God we went on the second day cuz i didn't get to buy anything there. There was horror! People spat everywhere, the sales people cling onto you like don't know what...and the thing is...when my mom bargained with the bitch, i was so frustrated i told my mom not to buy, so she told the bitch that i told her not to buy. Then the BITCH said (in china chinese) "so if your daughter told you not to eat then you don't eat lah!". Freaking bitch! I was so angry...i feel like slapping her across the face can? My mom bargained from $720 to $75 and if the bitch didn't want to sell it at $75, then just be it can? BUT NO....she keep insisting that my mom had to buy something from the shop so she showed my mom stuff that she doesn't want to buy. I dragged my mom out then the bitch said she'll sell her at $75. Then MY GAWD! like super no dignity like that can??? UH!!! so pissed.

OOh..I have concluded my complaints=) Go to Hong Kong if you can...branded things are super cheap, non-branded stuff are even cheaper. And...just don't go to Shen's pretty sad...when you see someone eating from the dustbin...It's hardbreaking...otherwise...the place is just in a mess to me. Visit Shanghai or sth...i would like to go there=)

I HAVE A LOT OF UNFINISHED WORK! SO I'm Like gonna Do them Now=)

I wish everyone a happy new year. ( i hope the year won't pass so fast...we'll die earlier this way=(...)

blehs says oopsielaunseh

Friday, December 7, 2007

After such a long time

Today is what day....go find our your self

anyway, it has been raining for a few days now and my are getting wetter and wetter. I'm really bored and really running out of things to write. I just found out then i totally forgotten bout the phonetics journal that i have to do. I'm gonna have to struggle through the weekend i guess...HMMPH....

BORED, Lame & PIssed...but happy oopsielaunseh

Friday, November 23, 2007


Now is like 12:07 am saturday morning...haha the redundancy

But anyway, my mom's in a bad mood...i don't exactly know why. Yesterday, or rather on thursday, i went to carl's junior for the first time!! call me a suku! but the onion rings are in the size of bangles! omg!!!! like super big! Okies...I'm now preparing for bed time cuz in 7 hours time, i have to get to school to help out in the stupid parents seminar. Not that it's a stupid thing but it's really stupid that they make us reach there at 7.30 when the thing only starts at's a bit.../#@@!/**!@....

When i woke up this morning, i had cramps and i couldn't get back to sleep. I went to the living room and drank some hot tea before i doze off in a sitting position. I dreamt of a perfect place to bury a body (or that was what my dream told me), somewhere near plaza singapura. and guess what! opposite P.S. is a beach??? I keep having really funny dreams but i like it. At least i'm not dreaming of unhappy stuff no? My bum is aching like right now and i feel like having subway. For your information kays...i'm outta ideas! i have nothing exciting to write for this post. so call it boring and unnecessary!!! but hey! i'm just trying to keep people updated k!=) how thoughtful huh!!!!

Loves oopsielaunseh

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Like super whatever! is like 12.32 am, Sunday.

Yesterday, i took a taxi from my mom's office to the dental clinic cuz if i don't, i'd probably be late. So, when i boarded the taxi, i told him where to go in English. He understood but he replied, asking how do i want to get there in Chinese. He was almost inaudible. but, i got what he was saying so as a formality, i replied in REALLY slow chinese. I said: PIE ye ke yi. The funny thing is that he doesn't know how to get there and asked if I do. Well...I DON'T! so i told him. Then he asked if i've been there before. I said yes, once or twice and my dad usually drives me there. The place is somewhere near the automobile centre.

When we got there, he asked if i knew how to go. I said i don't know so he checked his directory. And he drove round and round and round. And man! The meter kept increasing. There was once or twice when he rose his hands pointing to the left or the right. I the hell do i know that you're asking if we should go left or right correct? Then i finally told him that it's near the HDB flats. then he like got angry and scolded me k... He was like: why didn't you tell me earlier? You know? if we have just driven straight we would have gotten there and you won't waste so much money and time. You and I both kept quiet so i also don't know whether it is the place. You said it was near your dad's car shop (as if i did say that) so i thought you knew how to go. If you had just told me that you don't know how to go then we wouldn't drive round and round. (i mean hello? didn't i tell you that i don't know how to go?). Next time you want to go for dental appointment you should get their card so you know how to go.

Oh my gosh! if i knew how to get there, i would have told you like long ago? and he still charged me the whole fare. and worst, i can't speak proper chinese and he speaks really soft that even if i leaned forward, i still can't hear him. That was the first time i took a taxi and got scolded by the driver and still, i paid him! $12!!!!! I tell you. because of this, i have to bring lunch everyday to school so i wouldn't spend so much money. Oh my gosh!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My First Blog!

Hello People! today's thursday and I've just created my first blog! I dunno what to do with the blog. Like really! DUN LAUGH! so posting messages that people won't actually read is the only thing i know how to do. The blog's name is Oopsielaunseh because it stands for Y.C. in German. Thanks to good old Qiu-lyng for telling me! Please dun name any pets after my name. Cuz it'll like cause a lot of disturbance=)

I'm like waiting for my mom right now. She's fetching me for dinner. I have like a bad headache and i'm so hungry. The male idiot and female bother are like so IRRITATING! oh yeah...i kinda said bloggers are kind of self-pitying themselves, that's just to avoid losing face=)

OK! I'm Like Self-pitying Myself Now=)

When i do know how to put stuff into my blog, I'm sure i'll do it. That's one more webpage for me to visit when i'm bored=)