Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I Don't Have A Title

10 June 2008 Tuesday 4:44pm

Just as I look at the time, I feel that I'm gonna fall into the pits soon. I don't really understand how people can make someone else feel sad so quickly. I don't even understand how one can become mad in just a few minutes. I don't really get why people need attention to survive. I don't really know where people can go wrong.

People are just so ready to ignore one another. People are just so quick to judge. People are just so adamant about people's feelings even though it might not be true. People can just gossip or pass messages about one another right under their noses. People can just be so wrong. People are born to make commit mistakes that they have just told others not to make. And, people just don't see that coming.

When was it that everyone could be happy with one another around? When was it when everyone could just love each other for being themselves? When was it when people learn from their mistakes and not talk about one another? When was it when people are so ready to change themselves for each other? When was it when MSN wasn't around so people could not talk about another right in front of them? When was it in history that people could accept each others comments amicably? When was it that nobody could make each other mad? When was it when online social networks weren't there for people to gauge how popular they are? When was it when I became one of these users?

Time will not stop for these wrongs to rectify themselves. People should just think before they act. Man should start thinking before they accuse each other for being wrong. Friends should start understanding one another. Family should start supporting decisions made. Society should stop passing judgement on just anybody. I should stop being somebody I'm not. And, everybody should just identify themselves in these paragraphs.

10 June 2008 Tuesday 4:57 pm

Friday, May 16, 2008


Friday 16 May 2008

Hi! I'm distressed. But I'm not a damsel, just a worry bug. I cannot stand irritation and I hate hypocrisy. I think of people who complains too much as attention-seekers. I think of people who don't stress over things as happy. I want attention but I don't want to ask for it. I want love filled with truth and not those filled with remorse. There's time where I admire myself with guilt and times when I admire myself with distaste. I pray for things that makes people happy and I pray for things to come down hard on me. Futile is the word I associate my efforts with. Abandoned is the word I cling onto. Beautiful may never be my friend. And neither will I be her friend. Money blocks me from my wants but money brings me closer to them. I hate the propaganda that revolves around my life. But without it, I can't exist. I wish to spread it to the people around me. But yet, I am being covered by it. I don't hang out with people much because I'm scared of them. Yet, people don't hang around me much because they are scared of me. I'm not skinny but a little too fat. I'm not fat either, just filled with them. My family don't treat me as an individual. They treat me as their property.

If I were to live my life again, once more, I wished I never lived.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hi I'm yc and I'm retarded. I love my best friend so much. Her name is Jie Hui and she's soooo damn cute! I love her alot! Yeah!!

She's the nicest person I've ever met. Jie hui is one person i'll never ever forget. Ain't I nice?
Let me tell you a story about jie hui that made me never ever forget her...

Here it goes!

Once upon a time, a little girl got born into this complicated world. Ever since she's born, she made everything even more complicated! so actually, it was quite peaceful before her head stuck out into this warm and cozy life. She eats veggies and nothing else. That makes her even more exclusive cuz we (our group of friends) ostracise her very often. And she likes it very much, she'll cower in the corner and nibble on her carrot, given to her on her birthday, EARTH DAY. haha! Anyway, she's very evil because she made her best friend, another peep squeak (something bad), knock into the wall. Jie hui has never shown any compassion towards her pets as she discards them into the bin after their souls flies to heaven. I'm really not fabricating any of these facts. Only one thing is true about her personality. that is she's very generous. She not only functions as a vegetable eating person, she's also an ATM Too!

Therefore, the top few lines are practically lies written by the culprit herself...but i still like her alot!=)

But as we all know, jie hui is a very honest person. she has never ever told a single lie in her entire life. So the aforementioned is not applicable. (=

That's all! I just wanted to blog about my best friend cos I love her so much! =D

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Stress Is One Thing....But it's scary=/

Tuesday 10 thirteen pm.

I'm suddenly writing again....another entry into my blog...but first and foremost...(SORRY XIANG WEI! I promise I won't scare you again with my stressed-face+attitude+behaviour+forgetfulness+slowness+craziness+irritability)

I have spent the whole of Monday morning till night till Tuesday morning to complete my section of the iMedia project that iMedia entrusted to us. If not for the pay, I wouldn't...or maybe I would...accept this offer. The whole of yesterday was spent in Confucius. The evening following that afternoon was spent at the benches outside the lecture halls located at the basement of the convention centre...isn't it detailed?=)...but yeah..and that's when xiang wei said I was very stressed and I appeared stern. After that we went to meet joel and qiu-lyng. Joel ate zinger meal and xiangwei ate the two-piece-chicken meal. No prizes for guessing where all of us hung out. Qiu then saw this "cute" colonel sanders mug. She bought it....ahaha...and forgot to order rootbeer for xiangs...After that, we head to qiu's house for a sleepover-cum-do-all-night-project. Around 1am, qiu's parents came home with her sister...they went to pick her up from the airport. Yeap...qiu's sister came home from somewhere...and it's taiwan. She bought super-a-lot-of-things-can! Then after that, we returned to our bloody digital chore that we had to finish. So, throughout the night, it was silence that filled the air. Everyone was immersed in their own work. Then right after I finished my part, I went to take a shower and slept while the others continued on the arduous journey....xiangs was very nice to tuck me into bed by throwing the blanket over my whole body.=/ the whole night, we end up sharing that small and miniscule blanket between both of us.

The next day came. Have to mention this point. Michelle bought breakfast for all of us. Really sweet although my prawn bee hoon tasted like pesticide...not that I ever tasted pesticide. Then we hung out for a while then head down to school.....well not all of us....michelle went to work=) We went back to confucius and started doing the project again. Jie hui came to join us next. We smuggled bubble tea into the room from "downstairs"....Jie Hui had the most horrible drink I have evr tasted in my life, xiangs had bad honeydew stuff...qiu and mine were just fine=) how lucky=)...for once... Then after compiling our stuff...we decided to go home. Now we're reaching the crucial part....at the bus stop, xiangs says she don't like to work with stress ppl...which happens to be me....HAHAHa...she says i was scary when i'm stressed...HAHAHA....never thought that way before...=)

But I'm not that scary in real life am I?....okies so from like now on....i'll not be scary?!=)

This post is specially dedicated to xiangs since i couldn't get her on msn....wink wink"in case she appears offline to me" and i don't wanna disturb her after the past two days...wink wink"I get very long-winded on message"....ahahhahahaahah...

I miss my brother very much and I wish i could smack the bloody white piece of trash upside down! She should be honoured i'm willing to use my hands to hit her...if i didn't respect her....i would use her own hand to hit her...not that such things can happen=)

My mom scolded me cuz she squeezed into a damn bloody small area in the kitchen with me....and she blamed it on me being slow....wt?! i don't get mommies sometimes.=) and omg...i think qiu's dad is damn cool cuz he wears shades....while my dad refuses to admit he has long-sightedness...

I was thinking...i better write a long post so ppl can take a longer time to read....maybe read in instalments?! this can help when i don't update my blogs very often=/

and courtesy of barney-online...:

Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination
When he’s tall he’s what we call
A dinosaur sensation
Barney teaches lots of things
Like how to play pretend
A-B-C’s and 1-2-3’s
And how to be a friend
Barney comes to play with us
Whenever we may need him
Barney can be your friend too
If you just make believe him

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Sunday 1:05 a.m. in the morning.

I'm pretty upset since yesterday and I didn't actually made anyone happy since I shouted at almost everyone I saw. I gave pissed faces and screamed loud things. And most importantly, I lost a few years of my life=( I dropped my brother's tablet pen and he got really mad at me. I dunno what to do too. I didn't exactly give any of my friends a good time too. They had to put up with my ridiculous actions. Like now's my confession time,so i'd better confess my anger and be done with it. I'm so sorry if I like kinda lost my temper at you guys. and I'm sorry to my brother and I'm sorry to my mother and i'm sorry to my father and I'm sorry to fmsa (that i missed today's duty) and I'm Sorry GOD! And I'm sorry heart! I'm sorry liver, i'm sorry lungs, i'm sorry kidneys for making you guys pump faster when i got angry. I'm sorry to all my friends: jie hui, xiang wei, qiu-lyng, joel, paige, michelle, clara, hui mian, vanessa, melissa....I'm so sorry pillows, bedsheet,......

And i'm sorry to yeang cherng's brain for writing such a moronic entry=)

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy NEW Year=)

Todays like 01012008 Tuesday 2:18p.m.

I just flew in from hong kong last nights! I was counting down in the aeroplane( i have no idea why they are underlining the word) itself. The pilot was counting down and everyone was just....not counting down. AHAHA...what an anti-climax countdown session. I feel so embarrassed to be there at the "countdown"..Hmm...i don't know why i'm harping on this, let me move on=)

I went to hong kong with me mom. We spent all our days there shopping! Like it was mainly quite boring if you shop all day, but this time it's a bit different cu i had $ to spent..WOO HOO!! My mom said i can buy anything i wanted so i bought=) The thing is that, when i went to buy my dad a shirt, i got shouted at by this bloody hongkonger guy. I was retrieving the M size for my dad under the instructions of my mom. Then he shouted at me.
BLOODY HELL! I shall forget bout' him from immediate effect.

We went to shen zhen like on the second day. Thank God we went on the second day cuz i didn't get to buy anything there. There was horror! People spat everywhere, the sales people cling onto you like don't know what...and the thing is...when my mom bargained with the bitch, i was so frustrated i told my mom not to buy, so she told the bitch that i told her not to buy. Then the BITCH said (in china chinese) "so if your daughter told you not to eat then you don't eat lah!". Freaking bitch! I was so angry...i feel like slapping her across the face can? My mom bargained from $720 to $75 and if the bitch didn't want to sell it at $75, then just be it can? BUT NO....she keep insisting that my mom had to buy something from the shop so she showed my mom stuff that she doesn't want to buy. I dragged my mom out then the bitch said she'll sell her at $75. Then MY GAWD! like super no dignity like that can??? UH!!! so pissed.

OOh..I have concluded my complaints=) Go to Hong Kong if you can...branded things are super cheap, non-branded stuff are even cheaper. And...just don't go to Shen zhen...it's pretty sad...when you see someone eating from the dustbin...It's hardbreaking...otherwise...the place is just in a mess to me. Visit Shanghai or sth...i would like to go there=)

I HAVE A LOT OF UNFINISHED WORK! SO I'm Like gonna Do them Now=)

I wish everyone a happy new year. ( i hope the year won't pass so fast...we'll die earlier this way=(...)

blehs says oopsielaunseh

Friday, December 7, 2007

After such a long time

Today is what day....go find our your self

anyway, it has been raining for a few days now and my are getting wetter and wetter. I'm really bored and really running out of things to write. I just found out then i totally forgotten bout the phonetics journal that i have to do. I'm gonna have to struggle through the weekend i guess...HMMPH....

BORED, Lame & PIssed...but happy oopsielaunseh